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Martial Master Novel Chapter 431

The black figure, expressionless, just stood quietly in the sky without any expression.

It wasn't until after a stick of incense that Qin Chen finished repairing the chain. After opening his eyes, a rumbling voice echoed over the entire Gunan.

"The first round of martial arts assessment is over. There are a total of 398 players who passed the first round of assessment. Now, we will enter the second round of assessment immediately."

As soon as the black figure appeared, the audience was in an uproar, one by one could hardly believe their ears.

"The black stone room where Qin Chen is located obviously has a malfunction, so it is considered as passing the test?"

"Shit luck is too good, right?"

"It's not fair at all."

The crowd was in an uproar and talked, and many people flushed, especially those geniuses who were eliminated.

Why they were eliminated, Qin Chen entered a faulty black stone room, but was able to enter the next round, so what is fairness in such an assessment?

The black figure indifferently glanced at the angry geniuses in the square below. The cold eyes made many people feel chilled and hurriedly shut their mouths.

They couldn't forget the scene where someone violated the will of Gunandu and was bombarded to scum.

However, outside the ancient Nandu, those geniuses who were eliminated are still not convinced.

In particular, the geniuses of the Dawei Dynasty failed to pass the first round of assessment. Naturally, they were extremely dissatisfied, scolded again and again, and even scolded all kinds of bad words.


Suddenly, the ancient southern capital city shook suddenly, and an invisible light shot out suddenly, killing those people into scum.


Deathly silence.

The whole scene was silent, and everyone watched this scene blankly, silently.

The top powerhouses of the three major forces of the Dawei Dynasty were all shocked and their eyes were shocked. The light just now was so fast that it was too late to react. Even if they were to be replaced by them, I am afraid there is nothing they can do. The opponent bombarded.

For a while, everyone was in awe, and never dared to say the least.

The black silhouettes towering over the sky have never looked at these people, but glanced down indifferently.

"The next second round of assessment you are facing is the formation assessment."

The black figure raised his hand.


An invisible force came, and the entire square suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, a series of weird lines, rising from the soles of everyone's feet, wrapping up the 398 people who passed the first round of assessments. Up among them.

"What a complicated formation pattern... This is definitely an formation pattern that surpasses the ninth rank!"

Staring at the formation pattern below, Qin Chen's pupils suddenly shrank.

The whole formation, Dao Tiancheng, with his vision, he couldn't even see the clues, it can be seen that the level of this formation has exceeded the limit he can understand.

"In this formation, you will face tremendous pressure. This pressure will gradually increase with the passage of time. Once you can't hold on, your mind will be damaged and you will vomit blood on the spot."

"As long as you can persist for more than an hour, even if you pass the second round of assessment, you can enter the third round of preliminary selection."

"The assessment will start in five minutes. Please be prepared."

"Now, anyone else has a problem?"

The black figure looked down.

Everyone looked at Qin Chen. In the first round, Qin Chen didn't even know the true meaning of martial arts. He asked, and everyone laughed. He would definitely ask if he wanted to come to this round.

But everyone did not expect that after listening to the content of the assessment, Qin Chen actually sat down cross-legged, it didn't look like there was a problem at all.

"I have a question."

Seeing Qin Chen not speaking, a genius from the Five Nations suddenly shouted loudly, causing everyone to wait and see.

I saw that this person was only eighteen or nine years old. Among all the people, he was an extremely young one. He said nervously, "As far as I know, this ancient southern capital is a test of the talent of a warrior, not directly. However, this second round of assessment will test the length of time that everyone has persisted under the pressure of this formation. You should know that we people are of different ages. Some people are younger and have a lower cultivation level. , The moment of persistence is naturally shorter, but this does not mean that this person's martial arts talent is really worse than others, so is it a bit unfair?"

Many geniuses on the square today are of different ages. The youngest, like Qin Chen, is only less than sixteen years old, while the oldest is twenty-four.

In itself, there is a gap of nearly six years between the two. Naturally, there is a big difference in cultivation base and strength. Therefore, under the same formation, young people will definitely suffer greatly.

Not only this boy, but other geniuses around the age of twenty, have the same idea.

Through the previous assessment of the true meaning of martial arts, they were very clear that this ancient southern capital has an extremely amazing heritage, and this time, only the geniuses of the Dawei Dynasty have attracted nearly two hundred people.

Such a huge competitive pressure puts everyone under great pressure, even the arrogant talents who offend the Dawei Dynasty must do so.

Looking at the people below, the black figure said indifferently: "No need to worry about this. In this formation, the pressure that each of you feels is actually different. The younger you are, the lower the pressure. However, in general, The difficulty is the same."

Hearing what the black figure said, many younger geniuses breathed a sigh of relief.

"The assessment begins!"

A few minutes later, the cold voice of the black figure sounded again.


The streamer array suddenly turned around, and an astonishing pressure was severely suppressed on everyone.


There are a few geniuses who boast of extraordinary strength. At the beginning, they stood coldly and arrogantly in the big formation, but as soon as the big formation servants turned on, they were severely pressed on the ground, and they were so scared that they crossed their knees. And sitting, never dare to pretend to be the slightest.


Layers of invisible pressure are coming up, like that heavy waves, constantly sweeping, as if there is no end forever, most of them are pale and trembling faintly.

Everyone couldn't help being frightened. At the beginning, the pressure on the formation was so great. How difficult would it be to stick to the next hour?

Originally, many people thought that this level would be easy, but at this moment, no one dared to have the slightest easy idea, one by one, holding their breath, running all cultivation bases, to resist fiercely.

Among the crowd, there was only Qin Chen, and his eyes showed deep horror at this moment.

"There is such a formation in this world, which not only oppresses true energy and physical body, but also has a certain degree of oppressive force on mental power and soul."

This great formation constantly oppresses the cultivation base in his body, and it also has a trace of oppression on other aspects, and this oppression is not like a mountain, directly suppressed, but like flowing water, a heavy surge. Come.

It seems to be a special method of repairing the chain.

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