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Martial Master Novel Chapter 730

Three Princes?

Leng Ming's eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "Patriarch, do you mean to let the third prince intervene in this matter?"

"Yes." Leng Feihua nodded, "Geng Deyuan, after all, is just a deputy commander of the City Guard Department. Although I usually have a good relationship with my Leng family, it is probably unrealistic to have him completely confront Dan Ge, but if it passes the three princes, Putting some pressure on the City Guard, Geng Deyuan and the others will probably be even bolder when they do things."

"But will the three princes agree?"

Leng Feifei smiled coldly: "The three princes are ambitious and want to build the Dawei dynasty into the strongest dynasty in a hundred dynasties. However, now the Dawei dynasty royal family, several princes are greatly appreciated by your majesty, although the three princes occupy Active, but there is no absolute advantage, so the current three princes need the support of my Leng family and other forces."

"What's more, the three princes are very disdainful of the untouchables in the land of the five countries. How can they be allowed to do things in the imperial city, so as long as my Leng family comes forward, the three princes will definitely not fail to agree."

"Furthermore, the three princes are ambitious, and are extremely interested in the heritage of Qin Chen and the others. Moreover, among the disciples of the five countries, there are a few beauties with really good looks. The three princes are quite fond of this one. It's just because of my identity, I'm afraid of getting into trouble, so I don't dare to do it myself. If I wait to promise him, once things are done, I will dedicate these beauties to the third princes as a forbidding. I don't believe that the third princes will be unmoved."

A cold smile appeared on Leng Feifan's face.

"Patriarch wise!" Leng Ming's face also showed excitement. If the three princes intervene, let alone Dan Pavilion, even the strong pressure, the City Guard Department can withstand it.

"Don't just be flattering, contact me the third prince immediately. The old man needs to see the third prince as soon as possible."

"Yes, Patriarch, I will make arrangements right away."

Leng Ming retreated excitedly.

An hour later, the residence of the Three Princes of the Dawei Dynasty.

"The lord of the Leng family is so Yaxing, you have time to come here today? Shouldn't you be busy with the Feng family being destroyed?" In the luxurious courtyard, the third prince Liu Yuanxin held a tea cup with a smile on his face.

Liu Yuanxin, the third prince, was the top one among the princes of the Dawei Dynasty and one of the most popular candidates for the next dynasty emperor.

This child has a handsome face, a personable demeanor, and a breath, but he is extremely restrained, making him look extremely deep in the city.

Facing people, there is a sense of awe.

Leng Feifan was taken aback, and smiled: "His Royal Highness the Three Princes is really so Yaxing. He actually knows this about my Leng Family."

"Haha, how can this hall not hear about such a major event?" The third prince smiled faintly: "I heard that the one who destroyed the Feng family was a disciple from the Five Kingdoms, Master Leng, this kind of thing can happen, your Leng family's reputation, I'm afraid It will be a big blow."

"His Royal Highness is joking, disciples from five countries, how can I enter the eyes of my Leng Family's law, it's just my Leng Family's carelessness, let the treacherous villain take advantage of it." Leng Feihua said lightly, "But since your Royal Highness knows In this matter, in fact, the old man came here this time precisely for this matter. I hope that the three princes can help my Leng family in this matter."

"Oh? I need help from the main hall, let's hear it?" The third prince Liu Yuanxin said with a smile.

"The disciple of the Five Kingdoms of Mie Feng's family, named Qin Chen, is the most outstanding genius among the five countries, and he is also the champion of the assessment of the ancient southern capital. This son's behavior is extremely arrogant, and I dare to do so when I first came to the imperial city of the Dawei Dynasty. Being arrogant and destroying the entire family at every turn, it can be seen that I didn't put my Dawei dynasty in the eyes at all. Presumably the three princes are also extremely unpleasant." Leng Feihua said in a deep voice.

"The untouchables of the five countries are indeed arrogant.

The third prince Liu Yuanxin shot a cold light in his eyes.

The idea of ​​governing the country that he advocates is that the superior governs the country, and the superior controls the lifeline of the entire dynasty and enjoys prosperity and wealth. As for some lowly people, let alone enjoy the blessings, they should not even have the qualifications to enjoy basic medical care and education.

Can only become a slave and work for the superior.

Moreover, Liu Yuanxin, the third prince, was born in the royal family and valued the so-called blood line extremely.

This was also the reason why You Qianxue and the others wanted to join the Emperor Star Academy, but he rejected it. In his opinion, You Qianxue and others from the five countries, with low status and dirty blood, can they become official students of Emperor Star Academy, the top academy in the Imperial City? People like this are only worthy to be slaves under their control.

Now that Qin Chen dared to destroy the Feng family, the third prince Liu Yuanxin was naturally extremely angry.

This is in huge conflict with his idea of ​​governing the country.

Even Liu Yuanxin, the third prince, once put forward a proposition that the slums in the western city of the imperial city should be filthy and dirty, and should not exist in the imperial city. The entire slums should be completely wiped out. Obliterate.

It was only this proposal that was refuted by the Five Princes and others before it finally failed.

But if the three princes are in power, this slum will be wiped out sooner or later, and the people in it will probably be massacred by them.

Seeing the indignant eyes of the three princes, Leng Feihua suddenly smiled.

"His Royal Highness, I heard that the untouchable Qin Chen has been arrested by the people of the City Guard for breaking the rules of the imperial city. Originally, the people of the City Guard wanted to arrest the untouchables of the other five countries. It's a pity. Dan Pavilion came forward and prevented the actions of the City Guard Department. This Dan Pavilion dared to provoke even the laws of my dynasty. It was too arrogant. The old man came this time because he was afraid that the Dan Pavilion would impose it. Don't dare to be too presumptuous and let the untouchables go safely. Isn't it a great trampling on the laws of my dynasty?"

The third prince took a light look at Leng Feihua: "The main hall of Patriarch Leng naturally understands what the main hall means, but what good is there for the main hall to come forward?"

Leng Feihua laughed: "His Royal Highness is really quick to talk. As long as His Highness can let the City Guard Department bear the pressure of Dan Pavilion and take down all the people from the five countries, the old man can guarantee that as long as his Highness needs it in the future, the old man will do his best. To serve His Highness."

"Furthermore, the ancient south is inherited. Although it is located in the five countries, it is almost within the territory of my Dawei dynasty. It should have been something of my Dawei dynasty. How can it allow some untouchables to gain it. This ancient inheritance should be Return to my majestic royal family, such as the hands of His Royal Highness."

"And..." Leng Feihua smiled mysteriously: "Among those five countries, it is said that there are a few women with good looks. Your Royal Highness doesn't want to see how "bad" these so-called untouchables are?"

The third prince Liu Yuanxin was taken aback for a moment, and then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The meaning of Patriarch Leng, this hall understands, the disciples of the five countries dared to run wild in my Dawei Dynasty. It is indeed too much and should be severely punished. Moreover, the City Guards Department is the guard institution of my Dawei Dynasty. Mr. Leng, don't worry. In this matter, I will tell the people below to pay more attention to the handling of the case by the City Health Department. It must be fair and just."

The third prince said sharply.

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