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Martial Master Novel Chapter 1747

Qin Chen and the guard respectfully led the way in front.

Ji Hongchen walked behind, with a thoughtful look.

"You have to find a way to leave a mark on Ji Hongchen." Qin Chen's eyes flashed.

When he walked, his hands under his sleeves quickly sketched out the Taoist tactics, only to see a trace of invisible mental power quickly turned into a small restraint, staying in the void, and Ji Hongchen followed Qin Chen closely. Later, these restrictions quietly left her on her body without knowing it.

Because of Ji Hongchen's thoughts, he didn't pay attention to the outside world at all, so that he couldn't detect it at all.

And that prohibition was quickly hidden, even if she was deliberately searching for it at this time, it would be difficult to find with her cultivation base.

After passing through the corridors, the group came to the stone room of the great elder.

"Master Hong Chen, please!"

Qin Chen and the guard stood respectfully outside the door.

"Great Elder." Ji Hongchen said outside the door.

"Hong Chen, come in." The voice of the great elder came from inside.


The stone room door opened and Ji Hongchen walked in.

"You two are guarding outside the door." At the same time, the voice of the great elder came from the stone chamber.

"Yes, Great Elder." Qin Chen felt joyful. He had originally thought about how to stay, but now it happens.

With a bang, the door of the stone chamber was closed, isolating the contact with the outside world. Qin Chen immediately contacted Ji Hongchen's restraint and probed the movement inside.

In the stone room, the elder was sitting there. After seeing Ji Hongchen coming in, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Hongchen, sit down."

"Yes, great elder." Ji Hongchen sat down and said, "I don't know what the great elder called Hong Chen to come late at night?"

The elder looked at Ji Hongchen with a complicated expression, and sighed: "Hongchen, if I was not wrong, the ancestors have called you over before? There is no good way for you to do with Ruyue."

Outside the door, Qin Chen's body shook. Unexpectedly, the Great Elder came up and talked about Ruyue. He pricked his ears and listened carefully.

"Elder, the ancestor did tell me, but do you have to do this? I watched Ruyue grow up. She has been the top genius of my Ji family for a hundred years. Why do we have to force her?" Ji Hongchen said with a wry smile.

The elder was asked silently. After a long time, he sighed and said: "Do you think I want to do this? Our Ji family is now very majestic on the surface, in charge of the power of law enforcement, but in fact, it is The storm is precarious, and there is hardship to tell."

"The reason why our Ji family has been able to develop so rapidly over the years is because the old ancestors took refuge in the Misty Palace Master and cooperated with the alien demon, and only then exchanged it back. However, accompanied by the alien demon The more people cooperate, the more things our Ji family loses. Apart from anything else, most of the Ji family ancestral land is now controlled by those alien demons, and we can't help it."

"Moreover, now the Mo family has been hostile to my Ji family, and the ancestors of the Mo family and ancestors have been vying for the power of the law enforcement hall. If we can no longer open the forbidden area that was banned back then, maybe my Ji family will really fall."

"But that place is very dangerous. If she had to force her to be like the moon, she might die. In order to open this ban, how many people in my Ji family died." Ji Hongchen bit his lip.

"What can we do? Now that our Ji family can open the forbidden area, only Ru Yue is the only one. First, she is a direct descendant of Ji Wuxue, and she has not been implanted with the life and death charm, and will not be obliterated by the prohibition. Second, she She is the only person in the family who has repaired the chain and produced the Moonlight Divine Body in these years. Only she has the opportunity to break the ban set by Wuxue back then, reopen the forbidden area of ​​my Ji family, and let Ji family disciples be baptized."

"You have to know that there is not much spiritual fluid left in my Ji family now, and even the direct disciples can't satisfy the baptism. If we go on, my Ji family will be completely decayed sooner or later, so I can only try it, blame it. , Blame Ji Wuxue back then."

The great elder showed an angry look: "Back then, Ji Wuxue banned the forbidden land in my Ji family's ancestral land for her own selfish desires. For more than two hundred years, no one in our Ji family forbidden land can enter, and no one can accept the Ji family's ancient history. Inheritance is really excessive. This debt must be paid by someone."

"So, this time, no matter what, you must persuade Ruyue. Otherwise, the ancestor has already said. If Ruyue is unwilling, he will disregard her status as a direct descendant of the Ji family and let the alien demons take it away before going. Try to break the ban, no one can save her by that time."

"The Ji Wuxue who betrayed the family back then is dead. If she betrayed the family, she will end up just like Ji Wuxue. Hong Chen, you will also be remembered by me."

The elder's tone was severe.

Outside, listening to the conversation between the two of them, Qin Chen was shocked inside.

"It turns out that this is the case. The Ji family's forbidden area was actually closed by Wuxue, which caused the Ji family's disciples to be unable to accept the baptism and inheritance at all for more than two hundred years. However, because the Ji family took refuge in the Misty Palace, they had a relationship with the alien demons The cooperation has caused the Ji family to be suppressed very much, so the Ji family urgently wants to open the forbidden area that was closed back then."

"But if you want to open the forbidden area, Kihiro is a very important person. The reason why the people of the Ji family imprisoned Kiyotsu not only because they were worried about spreading things in the Guyu world, but also to sacrifice her and open this so-called Banned!"

Qin Chen felt a chill in his heart.

The forbidden land of the Ji family, Qin Chen naturally knows, it is a secret place that the Ji family inherited from ancient times. It contains some inheritances from the ancestors of the Ji family. Back then, every Ji family's direct descendant was eligible to enter the secret place for baptism after reaching adulthood. .

And according to each person's cultivation level and talent strength, the gains are different.

But now, the forbidden area of ​​the Ji family is closed, naturally making the Ji family extremely anxious.

But even if you are anxious, you can't let your family's disciples take risks, right?

"Despicable, too despicable. In order to open the so-called forbidden ground, this Ji family does not take Ju Yue's life at all. What Ji family is this?"

Qin Chen was trembling with anger.

"Moreover, Wuxue was actually killed by this Ji family, why did the Ji family do this? Didn't Ruyue say that Wuxue fell in Death Canyon? Is it the Ji family deliberately whitewashing?"

"Also, why did Wuxue ban Ji's forbidden land back then, and even Rong Dao grass was placed in Daoshan outside of Ji's house. Why did he do this? Could it be that he found something?"

Qin Chen had many questions in his mind that he couldn't understand.

But he knew that there was no time to think about it too much. Elder Ji family had already said that if Ruyue didn't agree, after tomorrow, the alien demons would take her away. There are such people in the world.

Hateful, really hateful!

"Today, Juyue must be rescued." Qin Chen said coldly in his heart, narrowing his eyes.

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