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Martial Master Novel Chapter 1827


Everyone was shocked. There was such a terrifying arrangement in the Mojia Cemetery. After the attack, many tombstones burst into the sky, and unexpectedly terrifying power erupted.


Immediately afterwards, there were gusts of yin and wind, and the world was surrounded by endless black air, as if arriving at the Yin Cao Jifu, there was a strong man who had died for thousands of years, whispering, going out of the rotten tomb.

"How come? Are the buried ancestors of the Mo family still alive?"

The Xuanyuan Empire powerhouses were shocked and stunned. Under the endless cemetery, there seemed to be a terrifying catastrophe, which shocked them.

"Huh, pretending to be a fool."

Emperor Wushang Wu coldly shouted, and continued to blow the horn of war. Suddenly, terrifying sound waves swept through and bombarded.


The sky exploded, the two forces collided, and their strength went straight for 90,000 miles, tearing the sky apart.

I have to say that the layout of the Mojia Cemetery is too powerful. After the terrorist attack of the horn of war, it has not been destroyed, it is just broken.

Some tomb heads were directly exploded, and some tomb heads were overturned, revealing the dark coffins. After such an attack, the coffins were still intact and were not blasted away, just lingering endless black light and fog.

"Give me an attack!"

Emperor Wushang Wu gave the order, his eyes were cold, and immediately, many of the Xuanyuan Empire powerhouses moved and rushed down.


The sound of fighting sounded, and the secret realm on that side was immediately blown up. Many disciples of the Mo family appeared, all hidden here.

"Hahaha, the remnants of the Mo family are indeed here. Today, wherever you can escape, you will all have to die. Anyone who touches my Xuanyuan Empire, any force, will kill you."

The powerhouse of the Xuanyuan Empire grinned and shot frantically. Suddenly, a scream rang out, and a disciple of the Mo family exploded immediately, turning into a blood mist, with no bones left.

It's too miserable.

The Mo family disciples who fled to the ancestral land of the Mo family cemetery are all direct disciples of the Mo family, the seeds and hope of the future, but at this moment, they are being massacred, blood is poured into the cemetery, and the corpses of the ancestors of the Mo family witnessed this extermination. Scene.

"Xuanyuan Empire, you have to die."

Someone in the Mo family screamed, their voices were bloody, they were all hoarse, and angry.

But it's useless.

The ancestors of the Mo family attacked the Xuanyuan Empire on this trip and took away most of the elites in the clan. Only some old, weak, sick and disabled were left behind. Although there were also strong people who stayed behind to guard, the Xuanyuan Empire had been prepared for a long time and made a full plan, which was of no avail. .

"Is the Mo family going to be annihilated?"

In the distance, many spies from the forces stared at them, trembling in fear.

Even if they are not in it, but using the secret method to watch from afar, their hearts will be chilled, and their souls will be frozen.

"Ah, burn incense and pray, calling for ancestors!"

At this moment, a large number of Mo family disciples died tragically, and a stern and old roar sounded from the secret realm, raging to the sky.

As soon as such words came out, the mountains and rivers trembled!

Summon ancestors?

This kind of low roar caused many powerful people in the Xuanyuan Empire to stand upright, and a little frightened. Shouldn't the ancestors of the Mo family be already dead? Is it still alive?

This is really an incredible event.

Don't think about it, how terrible it would be for a powerful person like the Mo family to be honored as an ancestor of the Hui? There is no doubt that in his period, he must be the ultimate figure.

And the strong who can be buried in the ancestral land of the Mojia Cemetery are also the masters, ancestors and other strong ones. If there are people alive, they will definitely be old monsters with great means.

But, does the Mo family really have ancestors alive?

Although the emperor Wu has a long life span, it is no problem to live for hundreds of years, and even some emperors live for thousands of years.

However, the continent changes, fights and kills, and power changes. Generally speaking, it is difficult for the strong of that era to live as a fairy, and they are almost extinct.

Moreover, according to the information they obtained, the older generation of strong men of the Mo family should have died hundreds of years ago, and they have been dead for many years. Today, only the ancestor of the Mo family is still alive.

Others should have died in the passing years.

But when the Mo family expert uttered these words, the atmosphere of this cemetery suddenly changed, buzzing, the vast stone stele exuded a black atmosphere, and there was an inexplicable and terrifying aura flowing in the cemetery, which made people stunned and chilled. .

Vaguely, many Xuanyuan Empire experts felt as if there were eyes staring at them in the surrounding darkness, cold and tyrannical, and murderous.

This made them frightened, horrified, and a little afraid.

In the ancestral cemetery of the cemetery, many powerful people of the Mo family gave up their resistance, and displayed their essence and blood one by one.

Endless black air lingers in the void, a mysterious force is born, and the whole body is cold.

"My lord, don't there really be old things in the Mo family who haven't died yet?" A strong Xuanyuan Empire trembling said.

Because many people feel this kind of breath, as if being stared at by a dead person, it is very uncomfortable. This is an intuition of the strong. One person may still make mistakes. How can so many people make mistakes together?

"Oh, to scare someone, it's just a bunch of dead bones. At most, the corpse was refined with a special secret method. Using his prestige in his lifetime, I dare to summon it and blow it up directly. What are you afraid of!"

There was also the giant Wudi sneered, strong and domineering, bloody and bloody between waving his hands, slaughtering the strong Mo family, and raining blood in the sky.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Emperor Wu Shang frowned, his eyes solemn, because he also felt that something was wrong, and he felt an inexplicable sense of panic in his heart.

He had a vague retreat, this place was too weird, and now it's done. The survivors of the Mo family were almost killed seven or eighty-eight. He wanted to preserve his strength and began to retreat, not wanting to make extravagance.

"Everyone is back!"

As a result, he screamed, and immediately laid out the teleportation pattern to observe the situation below.

"My lord, there is no fear, some cats and dogs in this life will directly blow up. If you are worried, let your subordinates take the lead and kill them."

The previously disdainful emperor Wudi opened his mouth, with savage eyes, killing intent in his pupils, and rushed over to wash the rest of the Mo family.

"Be careful!"

But suddenly, Wushang Wudi roared, feeling that something was wrong for the first time, and roared: "Everyone retreats and enters the teleportation formation."


At the moment his voice fell, the ghost wind howled, and a black coffin below it exploded directly, and a dark figure burst out from the coffin.

This is an old man with a howl like a night owl, roaring, skinny, hair all lost, his clothes decayed, he has rotted in the long river of history, and he has been dead for a long time.

But now, he was resurrected, and his eyes shot out a faint green light, like an evil ghost.

His body exudes a decadent aura, and his cultivation level is unpredictable. He rushed out in one step, his hands were like dry bones, and he pierced into the chest of the giant Wudi with a chuckle.


The giant Emperor Wu screamed, the blood flew all over, and he was stunned in an instant, and wailed in pain!

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