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Martial Master Novel Chapter 2565

In this mysterious space, for thousands of years, there was terrible devilish energy and traps. Even if the peerless earth sage came, he would be lost, but now, the overall outline began to appear in Qin Chen's mind, looming.

Qin Chen closed his eyes and perceives the information conveyed from Yan Luo's devilish energy with his spirit.

Immediately, Qin Chen felt that in the space ahead, corpses were scattered everywhere. Those corpses were very ancient and lost their spiritual energy. The laws on his body seemed to have experienced a fierce battle, even from the devilish energy of Yama. , Qin Chen saw the scene in the ancient times many years ago, when this powerful Yan Luo Demon clan was fighting against many human masters.

"In a deeper place, Yama's demon energy has changed into a magic power similar to the origin of the demon race! What kind of magic power is that, so strong?"

Suddenly, Qin Chen discovered that in the deeper space, Yan Luo's demon aura was extremely strong, and it had undergone transformation, and unexpectedly derived something similar to the original aura.

He shuffled and moved directly to the depths of the space.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

The devilish energy is so strong that even the origin of the earth sage can be turned away in an instant. Even the peerless earth sage must be careful here, otherwise it will be corroded.

But Qin Chen was not afraid, the magic light on his body bloomed, as if walking in his own country.

Moreover, these demon qi is more refined, and the power of the Yama Demon Race contained in it is more refined.

"Well, this kind of magic energy is more helpful to the clone." Qin Chen was very happy in his heart, and quickly absorbed these magic energy and poured it into the universe jade disc.

"Huh? There seems to be a lot of heaven and earth holy energy ahead. This is... the underground holy vein of the Yan Luo Mozu? It's still there for so many years?"

Suddenly, Qin Chen's body shook, and he felt a very terrifying breath of the Holy Vessel.

This is a holy vein of the Yama Demon Clan back then.

Although the Demon Race cultivates the origin of the Chain Demon Dao, the sacred energy absorbed by the world and the human race are exactly the same. The race is different, but the profound meaning of the chain repair is different, and the energy formation is different, but some of the most basic powers are still the same.

The demons naturally also need to absorb the holy veins.

And Qin Chen lacked the holy veins. Some holy crystals alone were not enough to make up for his astonishing power needs. Only the holy veins could greatly supplement him.

The most important thing is that the world formed by the jade disc of good fortune in the universe also needs the seat of the holy vein.

And this place was once an important stronghold of the Yama Demon Clan, so the level of the holy veins here, aside from anything else, is at least much more terrifying than Cangxuan City.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

According to the aura of perception, Qin Chen continued to deepen, passing through the layers of Yama demon energy, and the scene before him changed, and Qin Chen unexpectedly came to a vast ancient cave.

The cave is huge, with a radius of thousands of miles.

At the entrance of the cave, there was a dark light curtain, above the light curtain, a series of magic light runes flowed, elusive, exuding a powerful magic energy.


It seemed that someone was approaching this cave, and the runes above the magic light suddenly lit up, and from the magic light, a dark shadow came out.

This black demon, resembling a human form, but without facial features, his body resembled pure demon energy and a lot of mysterious rules.

"This is the demon born of many Yama demon qi and fallen demon spirits in the secret realm."

Qin Chen sensed the presence of the other party and quickly came to a conclusion.

This piece of heaven and earth used to be the place where the Yama Demon Race lived, and there are so many Yama Demon Qi and the origin of the Demon Race. Countless tens of thousands of years have passed, and spiritual demons will naturally be born.


The black demon's body was extremely flexible, and suddenly he waved a palm.


The surrounding invisible Yama Demon Qi and Demon Clan's profound meaning were mobilized by him, condensing a black palm shadow, carrying a terrifying and domineering force, and oppressing Qin Chen.

"So powerful!"

Qin Chen's complexion changed, and this magical shadow made Qin Chen feel the pressure, at least equivalent to the Human Race powerhouse at the peak of the Mid-Earth Sage.

Qin Chen waved his palm and blasted out with a fist.


The two forces collided, Qin Chen's body qi and blood surged, his body did not move, and the demon took a few steps back.

"Fortunately, there are still some gaps from the late Earth Saint stage."

Qin Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Chen wasn't very afraid of the strength of the peak of the mid-term Earth Sage.


He drew out the green demon sword and slashed it abruptly.

At the same time, Qin Chen urged the three major flames in his body, merged into the demon sword, and suddenly burst out terrifying power.


A group of blue-gold translucent flames, with an aura of destruction, exploded on the body of the black demon.


Facing the attack of the demon sword and the three major flames, the demon suddenly roared in pain, burned on his body, and turned into nothingness with a bang.

However, this demon had just fallen, and suddenly, the light of the rune pattern on the black magic light was even more, buzzing, and I saw nearly ten demons flying out of it.


so much?

Qin Chen took a breath, but did not change his color at all, and continued to fight.

If other warriors are here, they may have a headache, because they not only have to resist the erosion of Yan Luo's devilish energy, but they also have to fight against these evil spirits. It is difficult to be unharmed, but Qin Chen is different. Yan Luo's evil spirit has nothing to him. Harm, he can fight against the devil wholeheartedly.

Puff puff puff...

Qin Chen urged the demon sword, and suddenly, the green light flourished, swallowing power swept through, and the nearly ten demons were killed by Qin Chen.

However, these more than ten demons had just been wiped out, and more demons rushed out from the magic light.


There is no end!

Qin Chen is speechless, do these demons want to fight a wheel war?

Even if he is not afraid of Yama's demonic energy, he can't endure the constant consumption of countless demons. Moreover, the Yama's demonic energy is so strong here, who knows how many demons there are?

Qin Chen could kill a hundred heads or a thousand heads. Could it be that he could kill ten thousand heads?

"I can't go on like this, I have to find a way."

Qin Chen condensed his eyes, looked at the magic light barrier in front of the cave, countless runes flowed, Qin Chen was startled.

"This...this is not a simple magic light barrier, but a demon reincarnation formation. Damn, it's no wonder these demons can continue to kill out..."

Qin Chen was speechless, no matter how many demon he killed, as long as the demon reincarnation formation was still there, the energy in it would not be exhausted, it would continue to be born.

"You have to break this rune formation first!"

Qin Chen was not in chaos, if he had just come to the heavens, he would definitely be at a loss in the face of such a big formation, completely clueless.

However, he got the inheritance of Mending Heaven Palace, at this moment, he thought of at least ten ways to break the formation.

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