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Martial Master Novel Chapter 2597

"Be careful, the hurricanes here are very dangerous, and they often appear out of thin air. There is no warning. It is best for everyone to gather together and fight together. When everyone's holy yuan attacks are united to form a strong enough force, they can resist. The hurricane here."

Desperately shouted immediately.

As if to prove to him, a series of hurricanes in the front are constantly forming. These hurricanes are strong and weak, strong, like a tornado, connecting the world, and the weak may be just a whirlwind.

But even the weakest whirlwind is enough to injure the warriors of the late Earth Sage, if it is stronger, it can even make the warriors of the late Earth Sage directly annihilate and turn into nothingness.

"Everyone joins forces to explode these whirlwinds," said desperately.

He didn't need to speak. After seeing the surrounding hurricanes, the others had already taken action.

No one wanted to be the next warrior who was directly beheaded like the warrior in Ancient Language City before.


Many powerhouses joined forces, and suddenly, some whirlwinds formed around were cut off.

"So simple?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Faced with these hurricanes, it is very difficult for any single strong person to explode, but it does not seem difficult to join forces.

Qin Chen jumped out, slashed with his right hand, cutting out a sword aura.

Puff and puff, the two whirlwinds were cut and exploded immediately, but a strange scene appeared. After the sword energy was cut, the power of these whirlwinds continued to surge, and they condensed and formed in another place.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple," everyone said.

The hurricane force here will not dissipate at all. Although it was blown up, it did not disappear, but returned to the world.

At any rate, this is also a method deployed by a strong saint, it can't be so simple.

咻咻咻, the whirlwind swept across.

Everyone gathers together and keeps making moves.

The whirlwind appeared one after another, one, two, three, and the number was increasing, which put a lot of pressure on everyone.

After the quantity exceeds a certain limit, a qualitative change will occur.

The number of cyclones is endless, and when it exceeds one hundred, everyone is under great pressure.

It was Ao Lie who frowned slightly. Although everyone was united and still able to resist, the number rose to hundreds or thousands, so even if they had more numbers, they would not be able to hold it.

"Desperate, is there any other way?"

"You can't defend so passively, otherwise everyone won't be able to keep it going."

Everyone shouted.

"This world is actually a big formation, as long as the eyes are broken, everyone insists on following me for a while."

Desperately shouted: "Please also the peerless Di Sage to open the way!"

Ao Lie, the four major city masters, and the poisonous Luo Xin didn't evade them. Now is not the time to care about personal grievances.

The five powerhouses cleared the road ahead, and everyone was moving forward, naturally, the way they were going to break through, but the more these whirlwinds got, the more they moved forward, and they had to slow down.

Qin Chen followed the crowd and guarded behind the team. He shot and exploded one after another tornadoes, but his perception was looking around and calculating something.

From the very beginning, he saw that this was a formation, but this formation was so cleverly arranged, even his formation attainments could not be spotted for a while.

Everyone sacrificed treasures one after another, shattered the whirlwind, and slammed forward.

This is the small world opened up by the Holy Master and the Demon Hall of Life and Death, the area of ​​which is not small, and everyone has walked for several hours and still has not come to an end.

From the perspective of the sky, the whole small world is divided into five parts like a cake, with the big outside and small inside, and the five areas are gathered in one place. And they are heading towards this central area.

"There are still two hours away." Everyone said panting.

Regardless of the end point, the hurricane is getting stronger and stronger, making them spend a lot of energy every step forward, and the speed is naturally slow to the extreme.

They didn't say anything to cheer up, if it were a peerless earth sage, the late earth sage masters would not even have this perseverance. So what qualifications do they have to get to this point? How can we talk about becoming a god?

Everyone gritted their teeth. Two hours later, they finally reached the end of this area, the center of the whole world.

There is a stone stele, which is covered with complicated lines, and a devilish atmosphere lingers, exuding a palpitation.

"This is the front eye?"

"How to break it?"

Everyone frowned. Although most people couldn't say nothing about breaking the formation, they didn't know much, at least they couldn't see through formations of this level.

"According to the information obtained by our No Air Organization, as long as everyone wipes blood on it, this formation can be broken." Destiny said.

Dripping blood?

Everyone was taken aback, so simple?

"I don't know the specific principle, but the information I obtained from the No Space Organization does say so." Destiny knew that everyone was suspicious, and couldn't help explaining it again.

Qin Chen was suddenly in a trance at this moment.

When they were in the Sea of ​​Thunder, the secret realm of the deep demon, they once encountered a large formation of stone pillars. At that time, they also needed strong blood to release the seal.

Could it be that the people of this demons have such a hobby for essence and blood?

However, at the beginning of the Abyssal Demon Secret Realm, it was also said that there was a chance that was never seen, but in the end, they encountered the Lord of the Abyss, and everyone almost fell.

Is this also a trap?

After all, which one who can become the Holy Lord is not a peerless hero, doesn't he give himself a way out?

However, the Lord of the Yama Demon Race has been dead for so many years after all. Perhaps this possibility is not great, right?

"It seems that you all have concerns, so I will come first."

Desperately led the people from Wukong Organization to go up first and wiped the blood on the stone tablet. Suddenly, the pitch-black stone tablet lit up, emitting a little light.

"Sure enough, there was a reaction."

Everyone was taken aback.

"We come too."

Immediately afterwards, people from the Soul Fire family also stepped forward and smeared the blood on it.

Seeing this scene, people from other forces also stepped forward and smeared blood.

I saw the light on the stone tablet getting brighter and brighter.

"Not enough," desperately urged: "Everyone must be smeared with blood. The stronger the blood, the more blood, the formation can be broken. It is a pity that there is no strong heavenly sage among us, otherwise only a few heavenly sages will be enough to open. ."

Qin Chen, Ao Lie and others looked at each other. Although they were a little wary, the pressure was indeed too great now. Qin Chen stared at the stele for a long time, and finally walked up, smeared with blood.

The stele is getting brighter.


After the last Qin Chen's blood was smeared, a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, extremely bright.

At the same time, all the hurricanes disappeared, as if they never existed.

Everyone was relieved, and under the continuous battle, they were all full of exhaustion.

They sit down and rest first, and recover to their best condition as soon as possible.

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